Why I Love America
We recently passed the Fourth of July when Americans attend cookouts, parades, and fireworks in a mass show of patriotism. But why do people love their country? More specifically, why do Americans love the United States of America?
I can’t answer for others, but many of the reasons people cite play little role in why I love it.
I’m no fanatic, and I don’t think being one is necessary for patriotism. I don’t own flags, although I support displaying the American flag.
I also think we overdo the national anthem. I’d prefer they play it at special events instead of cheapening it by opening every sporting event with it — down to regular season Little League.
But when people wax patriotic about the US, they often imply that their love of country comes from a sense of superiority or values they attribute to the US.
The following are some cheap, shallow reasons I’ve heard why Americans love their country.
People say things like “America is the greatest country in the world,” “America is the most powerful nation in the world,” or “America stands for human rights and democracy.”
I remember in a rideshare pool, this dude, who apparently had one shot too many, loudly went off on how much he loves the US.